Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thank you!

Thanks to all my family and friends for the fun baby showers. You guys are awesome! Between baby showers gifts and hand-me-downs we didn't have to buy anything. I'm sure we will figure out what we are missing when the little guy arrives. If he ever decides to be born. But for now I think we are all set. So again, Thank you all so much for your love and support.
Check out all the awesome stuff!

Thank you to the Department of Workforce Services. You guys really now how to throw a party!

It seems Nate's work friends know him well.

I just thought these were some cute pictures of Nate. Isn't he going to be a wonderful dad.

Nate's family had a wonderful shower as well with some great company and wonderful food. Thank you so much!

Look at how much fun my friends had at the shower they did. Thanks guys!
Our little boy is rich thanks to their bad memories. They had to put money into that piggy bank every time they called someone by their real name and not their fake shower name.

This was Mike's first baby shower. Nice of him to come in place of his wife.

Again, Thank you all! We will let you know when I finally have the baby. Hopefully it will be sooner than later, because I am getting pretty uncomfortable.


Heather said...

looks like a lot of fun- it's a fun time - all those showers for you and baby :0) sorry I couldn't come :0( can't wait for the baby to come! I always want to call Jaime and say, "Did she have the baby yet!?" Soon girl, soon. Don't get too discouraged - Rowan went 4 days past his due date. Not long now though!

Kristen said...

Good luck shell!

Megan said...

You guys really did hit the mother load. Sweet! I am loving that I am shoving my face with food in the last picture - it is so fitting ;) You still look so cute prego too - your still tiny.

I will send some good labor vibes your way - I hope it is soon for your sake. Anna was 3 days late and each day past your due date feels like eternity. I tried EVERYTHING to get her out and nothing worked. Boo!

Me, Myself and I said...

Is that a Honduran flag? Did you know that our husbands served in the same mission?

Anyway, my baby was 2 weeks early, thank heavens! I was unconformable then, I can't imagine how you're feeling. I hope you're in labor right now as I am typing this, for your sake.

Hay Dub said...

Looks like you raked it in! That is so awesome. I can't wait to see the little guy. He is going to be so adorable.

Mike said...

Haha it was so fun to be at the baby shower! i'm glad you let me stay.

Jaime said...

I love the picture of Nate trying on the hooded towel haha. Thanks for letting me help throw you a shower. It was a lot of fun & I'm glad it turned out so well.