Friday, May 15, 2009

Welcome to the World Baby Dopp

It has taken me a while to get around to finding some free time to add some pictures of our little baby. Isn't he so cute!

We had a ruff start but I think things are slowing starting to turn around. If we could just get breastfeeding down I think everything would be wonderful. Any helpful hints on how to get a proper latch would be very welcome. I have no clue how mothers breastfeed by simply holding thier babies in their arms. I tried that yesterday and it was a disaters. I am confind to a chair with pillows for support. I hate it, but it is important to me to continue to try so I will, even though my nipples are killing me and I basically have the lactation specialist on speed dial and my copy of "What to expect in the first year" next to me at all times.

Other than the breastfeeding he is an exceptionally good baby. I usually have to wake him up to feed him. This was when he was a week old. I'm getting ready to change his diaper so that I can feed him.

Even better, he sleeps about 4 hours at night. He only wakes up once. It's awesome! I hope that never stops.
I think I would have gone crazy without Nate. He took work off for the first two weeks and let me rest. He did the dishes, the laundry and cleaned the house. It was fantastic. He even watched the baby in the mornings so I could shower.


Heather said...

He is so precious Shelley. Sounds like he is a great baby. Wow, already sleeping so well - Rowan is almost 8 months and still wakes me up at least once during the night, so I would say you are off to a great start! I heard things were a little rough for ya - too bad- hopefully baby number will come naturally and without problems. I hope you are getting some sleep. Can't wait to see many more pictures of him :0) Looks like the boys are taking over! You, me, Jaime, and Nate all have had boys recently - we'll see if Irene keeps the trend going! I hope Jon and I get to move back to Utah soon - what a fun mommies group we would have! Enjoy that baby- he is super cute.

Megan said...

Yeah for pictures and a post! Although, I don't think I still know his name and I have been wondering whether or not he was born on my birthday. Come on now - the suspense is killing me ;)

He is so adorable. Sorry about the breast feeding troubles. Anna and I seriously struggled in that department. Everyone said it would get better by 6 weeks and it never did. If you know Tiff Lott's story - well ours is very similar. I ended up pumping and giving her a bottle until she was 6 months. So I wish I could give you advice, but I don't have any. So good luck. I am hoping it goes much better this time around.

And way to go Nate - stepping up like that to help out. What a good hubby you have!

Steph said...

Hey Shelley!! I just stumbled across your blog and had to tell you how cute your baby is, and sleeping 4 hours a night, wonderful!! Also, I know how it is with the nursing thing, the first 2 weeks were oh so so hard trying to get it without it being excruciatingly painful, I would literally cry when it was time to feed her, and that was every two hours!! Oh man.. If you can stick with it though, I can tell you that it is so totally worth it and so much easier than making a bottle, etc :) What worked for me to get her to latch on was standing up with her and bouncing her while I was trying to get her to latch on, maybe it'll work for something else? Good luck girl, can't wait to hear more about Baby Dopp! :)

Cason Clan said...

I am glad you are feeling better and Mason is so cute I love the pictures...

Hay Dub said...

I can't wait to see him in person. He is just adorable. I am so glad you and Mason are doing well!!! We miss you at the soccer games! I had a ruff time breastfeeding my first baby too! I would cry everytime I had to feed her because it hurt so bad. One thing that helped was buying nipple guards. Have you tried that yet?? I got mine at target. Your such a cute mom! Talk to ya soon! Haylee

Natasha said...

Shelley he is adorable. I can't wait till I can come see him. I just want to snuggle with him and smell him. I don't know what it is about new babies but I just love how they smell. I hope breast feeding gets easier. I'm sorry I'm no help there. Hang in there though, I hope it gets easier. Oh I remember a tip someone gave me, they told me to pump for a couple seconds before you feed him and that kind of softens your breast so it's not as hard for him to latch on. Don't know if it helps but it helped whoever told me.

Megan said...

Ah man! I am really sorry about all the pain - I feel for ya. I remember it all and to tell you the truth I get anxiety thinking about doing it again this time. I really hope it is better. Good luck!

I am doing pretty well - actually still sleeping decently (better than I did with Anna) and that makes a huge difference. I have just over four weeks left. Hopefully it will continue to go as quickly. I need to come and meet your little guy...and see the new mommy too ;) I promise, it does get better and easier.

Michaelene said...

He is so sweet! It looks like Mason has long fingers. I still can't tell who he looks like. I can't wait to see him in person. Hopefully things are getting to feel a little more like normal now and hopefully your healing too. I felt the same way about breastfeeding. I thought he wasn't latching on right because it was killing so much, but Sam put on weight so fast that I guess he was. Oh, I'm not much on giving advice, but I know that even now it helps me when I feed Sam to have a book nearby so I can read (or movie, it takes like 4 days to watch it all the way throught, but it makes the time go by much faster)Then you have something to look forward to even though your stuck with a bunch of pillows around and feel like you can't move. I'm so glad he's sleeping good for you. Wow, I can't believe how time is flying, we can't wait to get home and see the three of you.

Jaime said...

Ohh good, you put up pictures. I know, I already saw the cute little guy, but I have been behind on blogging. Anyway I hope things get better with breastfeeding. I am sure I will be asking your advise in about 4 months! That is awesome that Nate was able to take 2 weeks off & it is great that your mom has been such a big help too. Let me know if there is anything you need.